Antique Row West Palm Beach

The Southeast’s Premier Antique Locale Buy a piece of history or relish in a fine meal. The not-to-miss event is Evening on Antique Row, featuring a night of open shops, food trucks, and live music.

Buy a Piece of the Past
Whether you’re an antique connoisseur, or you’re just looking to add decorations to pizzazz your home, spend an afternoon along Antique Row. Located south of downtown West Palm Beach, exploring is the thing to do. You’re sure to find decorative treasures and exceptional collections everywhere.
And don’t forget to buy a ticket to Evening on Antique Row. This street party has live music, delicious food trucks, and antique stores welcoming everyone in for more small bites and specialty drinks. The event offers a first-rate VIP ticket, with open bar, tent, and DJ.
Do More Antiquing in The Palm Beaches
